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Trendy Kids Birthday Party Ideas of 2019

Trendy Kids Birthday Party Ideas of 2019

Is your child excited for their special day? Are they planning on having the best birthday party ever? Here at Rocket World, our fun staff is here to make sure they have a celebration to remember. When it comes to kids birthday party ideas, we know the best themes...
Say Goodbye to Summer, Rocket World style.

Say Goodbye to Summer, Rocket World style.

Summer is almost over, and children are now back in school. However, this doesn’t mean the fun of summer has to be over. Here at Rocket World, we specialize in kids activities near me. Say goodbye to summer in the best way possible, with some good ol’...
8 Completely Untrue Myths About Video Games

8 Completely Untrue Myths About Video Games

Video games are the latest rage in today’s culture. Children play them, adults play them, men play them, and women too! There is something about being immersed into an alternate universe and engaging in a different really that connect people all over the world....